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Re: [Strong request!] Agent P…
by ThorndikeView the latest post
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Aktuelle Datenschutzerklärung - Current dataprotection statement - Current registration agreement - Aktuelles Anmeldungsvertrag
Hier können Sie aktuelle Datenschutzerklärung und aktuellen Vertrag zur Ihrer Registrierung lesen
Here you can read current data privacy statement and the current registration agreement. - 2 Topics
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Registration agreement ! - An…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post

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Orlovsky Consulting GbR public statements
Here we would inform the public about new and great projects and post public press information.
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by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
News! News! News!
Here you can read latest news from Orlovsky Consulting GbR , about IT market and IT related topics
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by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
General discussions
Here, we speak about how Orlovsky Consulting GbR do the work and case studies from our company projects
Scrum, Agile, Kanban, Waterfall, V-Model and give recommendations how to go about.
Here you can speak about our work with clients and ask questions in general about Orlovsky Consulting GbR.
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Здесь вы сможете спросить как компания Orlovsky Consulting GbR работает с клиентами.
Это форум для общих вопросов , например :
- Как быстро? How fast?
- Какой план в случаи XYZ? Which plan to execute in case XYZ?
- Что бы вы сделали в данной ситуации? Given your case, what would you do?
- Каким образом можно решить проблему с технологией XYZ ? How exactly you would solve problem with given xyz technology?
- Как быстро? How fast?
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by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Online trainings of Orlovsky Consulting GbR
Here from time to time we post some interesting promo public and "semi-public" youtube video trainings all about software related topics like: Java, Type Script, Java Script, Cloud, Testing and Software quality.
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>>Только сотрудники компании Orlovsky Consulting GbR имеют право сюда писать!<< - 5 Topics
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Online courses from Bitdegree!
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Opensource projects of Orlovsky Consulting GbR
Here we present our interesting opensource projects and or speak about other interesting projects.
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[NewProject/NeuesProjekt] Apo…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Cloud Services only good deals!
Here, you can post any related to cloud good deals, please no advertisement!
Write here if only you personally using interesting cloud services and post here your experience only.
Здесь вы можете рассказать о собственной работе с облачным сервисами и даже их порекомендовать, но пожалуйста без рекламы, для этого есть на этом форум разделы в разделе Advertisements - 3 Topics
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Re: [BestDeal/SuperAngebot] T…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post

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Introduce yourself
We at Orlovsky Consulting GbR would like to know more about you and your motivation for registration at this forum. - 2 Topics
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Re: Just want to say Hi.
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Write a review about working with Orlovsky Consulting GbR
If you are or was a client of Orlovsky Consulting GbR, write a review and give star rating like following
5 star very good, 4 good , 3 average, 2 bad , 1-0 worse (give reason for that) - 1 Topics
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[Average/Mittelmässig] Re: Ge…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Interesting articles
Did you found any interesting article’s about German regulations or law or business related?
Write here about your findings. Sometimes even a book can give you very important insights into a very complex domain. - 2 Topics
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Re: [Technology/Technologie] …
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Your hobbies and free time
We at Orlovsky Consulting GbR would like to know how do you spent your free time and reenergize after the work. (Here you can recommend any fitness and wellness courses or trainings or books or music, which effectively did improved your health) - 2 Topics
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[WeekendActivity/Wochenende] …
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post

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Suggest a group!
Suggest your group here, write a description and who will be moderator of this group, this way its easy for all of us!
Orlovsky Consulting GbR , will create a new group only when the description and the person who will moderate this new group are described and all other important requirements are met! - 1 Topics
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Suggest your group here!
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post

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[ === (NO SPAM!) ==> Off-Topic <== (NO SPAM!) ===]
Here you can write anything , which cant be posted otherwise (Please, no illegal stuff or any rude language)!
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[Proud] We fight spam heavil…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
Feedback! Ideas! Suggestions!
If you have something interesting to suggest, here is a place where your feedback make the most value ! Thank You!
Visit Orlovsky Consulting GbR official website , to know more about us.
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Contact us! - Контакт для связи! Click here! - 1 Topics
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Was kann man besser machen?
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post
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Your questions
Here is the only one place where you can post your questions to administration of this forum!
Здесь вы можете задать ваш вопрос администрации форума ! - 27 Topics
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Re: [Puzzled] Where is Admini…
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEOView the latest post