Suggest your group here!

Suggest your group here, write a description and who will be moderator of this group, this way its easy for all of us!
Orlovsky Consulting GbR , will create a new group only when the description and the person who will moderate this new group are described and all other important requirements are met!
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AlexanderOrlovskyCEO Germany
Site Admin
Posts: 127
Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2021 4:14 pm
Answers: 0
Country/Land: DE-Germany

Suggest your group here!

Post by AlexanderOrlovskyCEO »

  1. Write here the name and the description of the group.
  2. Write here the name of the person who will lead and moderate this group.
:) :) :)
After that a group well be created and will appear under Group category, so it will be easy for all to "navigate" to it !

I love to write and configure software and i love testing, software quality very important to me.
Test driven development is my main tool to solve all software engineering problems!
I work by the agile manifesto: working software over comprehensive documentation.

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