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[CompanyChanges] Forum rules

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:33 pm
by AlexanderOrlovskyCEO
Register at only for following reasons:
  • You are client of Orlovsky Consulting GbR.
  • You are already working at Orlovsky Consulting GbR.
  • You are interested to know more about Orlovsky Consulting GbR.
  • You want to apply for a job at Orlovsky Consulting GbR.
  • You want to participate or create or participate in own group on this platform of company
If you register at this forum use your real first and last name, otherwise your account would be disabled.

Allowed languages: German, English if you as client of Orlovsky Consulting GbR insist on usage of other foreign languages , well then you should write directly to Orlovsky Consulting GbR via following contact form and give good reasons and explanation why you would like to use other the mentioned here languages.

Please follow this rules to the point:
  • Don’t post any private or sensitive data on forum.
  • Don’t post any weblinks to software pirate sites or security questionable sites.
  • Use advertisement section for any advertisement which your company run, in such case when your register add to your nickname AD e.g FirstNameLastNameAD
  • Be polite and respectful to other members of Orlovsky Consulting GbR public business community forum.
  • Didn’t found any suitable section for your topic? Then use off topic section.
  • Don’t post any abusive, criminal or illegal chemical substances promoting information.
  • If you post your advertisement outside the subforum  >>> Advertisements - РЕКЛАМА!!! <<< , then you will be banned!
    Dont POST your adverts everywhere, post your adverts in the subforum 
    >>> Advertisements - РЕКЛАМА!!! <<<
If you don’t agree with moderators and feel abused by the moderators contact my company.

Thanks for you interest into Orlovsky Consulting GbR , don’t forget to visit official company website